
March 17, 2020 News

TPH Temporary Copyright Permissions

The publisher of the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, the Joint Venture Publishing Board of the OPC and URCNA, is granting temporary copyright permissions for churches that will be live streaming worship services due to COVID-19 closures. These streaming permissions are exclusively for churches that have purchased the Trinity Psalter Hymnal and only applicable to OPC/URCNA copyrighted songs and public domain songs. These temporary streaming permissions will expire Monday, May 11, 2020. After this date, unless extended, churches should delete any recorded streaming sessions and must request permission for any further streaming purposes.

Please note that these streaming permissions are ONLY for copyrighted works by the OPC/URCNA, noted in the attribution section of songs as:

© 2017 Trinity Psalter Hymnal

In order to stream or reproduce ANY other copyrighted works, users must contact those respective copyright holders. Streaming or reproducing any other copyrighted works without permission is a violation of copyright law. Please consult the Copyright Administrators Index in the back of the Trinity Psalter Hymnal for contact information. For the songs in the Trinity Psalter Hymnal that are covered under a standard CCLI license, please note that CCLI requires an additional sub-license in order to stream copyrighted songs that are covered by CCLI. A standard CCLI license does not cover live-streaming reproductions.

Revised 3-19-2020


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