
March 26, 2020 News

GA Committee on Arrangements Announcement

The Committee on Arrangements is actively evaluating the options for General Assembly this June. As the pandemic continues to evolve day-to-day, we are working closely with the Stated Clerk, the Moderator, as well as with other brothers and fathers of the church who can offer experience or parliamentary advice. We are also in regular communication with Eastern University and monitoring the information and advice from our local, state, and national authorities.

Regarding GA registration, we have eliminated the requirement to input your flight or other transportation plans in order to make it easier for you to register. Alternatively you can wait to register until closer to GA. We request that you do not make flight reservations at this time due to the unsettled nature of reimbursement policies from the airlines.

We will provide you with regular planning updates via E-mail, and on this website.

If you have any questions, please contact davidmahaffy@gmail.com.


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