
March 30, 2020 News

Boardwalk Chapel 2020 Openings

The Boardwalk Chapel still has openings this summer for their training weeks and staff positions. Here, men and women are able to use their gifts for kingdom advancement by exercising their theoretical and practical training.

Men! If you have the desire to go into the ministry, considering spending your summer at the Boardwalk Chapel. The Chapel allows you to develop your gifts by exhorting and preaching the gospel after the extensive and informative training weeks. Training on apologetics, the faith, and evangelism is immediately put into action and used. Through all of this, being at the Chapel helps you to save money money while you discern if you are called to ministry.

Contact Elizabeth with any questions or comments // boardwalkchapel@gmail.com.

Below are our summer opportunities:

Training Weeks
   • Evangelism Training (June 1–6)
   • Practical Evangelism (June 8–11)
   • Apologetics Training (June 15–19)
   • Evangelism Training // geared toward pastors and seminarians (August 24–29)

Staff Positions
   • Evangelism Team
   • Domestic Team
   • Drama Team


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