
August 21, 2020 News

Tropical Storm Isaias Response

Tropical Storm Isaias hit the East Coast of the United States the first week of August, depositing several inches of rain inside of the home of an OPC member of Grace and Peace OPC in California, Maryland. Early indications are that the homeowner’s (and his elderly mother’s) home could need up to six months of repairs due to the damaged floors, cabinets, and other issues stemming from water seepage. The home did not have (and was not required to have) flood insurance. Additional needs will be assessed as we are made aware of them.

If you would like more information about what’s happening in regard to the Isaias flood effort, please go to our website: opcdisasterresponse.org/opportunity/tropical-storm-isaias/.

To give, please go to give.opc.org and look for Isaias Flood Response.


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