
January 04, 2021 News

Oostburg Christian School

Oostburg Christian School is seeking to find our next Principal to continue the rich history that began in 1947. Nestled in a quiet community along the shores of Lake Michigan, we enjoy a caring community within driving distance to larger cities. Our families come from more than 8 villages/towns and 27 various congregations.

The 3K–8th-grade principal is responsible for actively supporting the mission, vision, and promotion of Oostburg Christian School. The principal is responsible for the day-to-day management of the faculty & staff. This person is a key academic and spiritual leader of the school, shaping and nurturing the learning environment for the school community. Please visit our website at www.oostburgchristian.com

Job Requirements: The successful candidate will have a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ and a deep love for His covenant children. We are seeking someone who has educational experience who can guide and direct a staff of 25, who daily teach over 200 children, while working with our parents and supportive community building on the foundation our school was established on in 1947. Our next principal will be able to work daily on the educational needs of our school while working to promote the mission and vision of Oostburg Christian School to prospective parents and partners in this ministry.

Education Requirements: Qualified individuals will have experience in an educational environment with a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in an educational field of study. A Master's Degree in Educational Administration is preferred but not necessary. Our goal is to find the right person, not the right educational background.

Position Benefits: While the daily love from over 200 students may be enough, Oostburg Christian School also offers a salary based on years of experience and includes a full benefits package including health, dental, vision insurance as well as retirement savings opportunities. Vacation, personal days, and sick days are also part of the package.

For further information contact ocssearch@oostburgchristian.com.


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