
April 14, 2021 News

Bohemia, NY

Our pastor went home to be with Lord last November. In the past few months we have been carrying on services using pulpit supply. In addition to our pastor’s passing, we are dealing with congregational changes due to the COVID pandemic. However, we must start the process of finding a new minister of the Word. We are currently able to offer a 25K full-time salaried position with the free use of the manse, which is a house in good condition on the church grounds, as well as other ministerial provisions. Lord willing, if the congregation grows, the full-time package will grow as well. Perhaps this situation would be ideal for a recent seminary graduate, retiree, or dual-income individual. Can you please let us know of anyone who may fit this bill? We covet your prayers in this matter. Please feel free to contact me via this email address: cliff@cliffleigh.com or at cell: 631-371-9870.

Cliff Leigh, elder
OPC in Bohemia, NY


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