
March 30, 2023 News

Westminster, California

On the campus of Westminster OPC in Westminster, CA: Covenant Christian Academy

Teacher Openings for K–2nd and 3rd–5th multi-grade classrooms for the 2023–2024 school year:

We are a small Reformed Christian school in the heart of multicultural Orange County, California.

Families must be actively involved in a local church, and the school values a strong working relationship with our students’ parents.

We will consider all applicants who wholeheartedly embrace the Reformed Faith and are members of churches such as the OPC, PCA, or URCNA. While we have high expectations for the quality of the education we provide, we do not require teacher certification or prior teaching experience.

Please contact Brianna Kim briannakim.cca@gmail.com for more information. Website: www.ccawestminster.com


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