
December 13, 2023 News

Providence Academy, Dyer, Indiana

Providence Academy, Dyer, Indiana, is looking for godly, enthusiastic teachers to join our faculty. These positions are open for immediate employment and/or the 2024–25 school year. The primary need is a Kindergarten teacher. Candidates must be a member in good standing of a NAPARC church (within 6 months of joining school) and have a Bachelor’s degree or greater. A teaching certificate is not a prerequisite. Current open positions: Kindergarten teacher, Math & Science Teacher, and Music teacher:

  • Kindergarten teacher. There are five subjects taught: Bible, math, phonics, literature, and geography.

  • Math & Science teacher. This position focuses on math and science for the upper grades, especially the Rhetoric (high school) as we expand each year. A solid grasp of chemistry is beneficial.

  • Music teacher. The music position is part-time, with some flexibility on the desired day(s). The teacher will guide the K–8th grade students through an understanding and appreciation for music using the provided curriculum.

Interested applicants can learn more at providenceca.org or email secretary@providenceca.org.


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