
November 10, 2005 News

2005 Thank Offering

To: Pastors and Sessions of the OPC

Dear Fathers and Brothers:

Thank you for your participation in the 2005 Thank Offering. Hopefully, you have received the Thank Offering poster, bulletin inserts, and envelopes, and have begun encouraging the members to contribute to the Thank Offering. If you did not receive the material or would like more sent to you, please contact Jan Giandomenico (phone: 215-830-0900) .

The Thank Offering provides an opportunity for us as Orthodox Presbyterians to show our thankfulness to God for his inexpressible gift (2 Cor. 9:15). Please encourage members and friends to pray that the Lord would use the humble work of the ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church to call sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and to disciple them to become mature believers. And please encourage members and friends to give as the Lord God has graciously given to his church.

The Thank Offering is especially important this year as the church has been confronted by and has responded to other needs, such as the disaster response efforts. Since giving to Worldwide Outreach has fallen behind by $100,000 as of October, it is important that the Thank Offering goal of $650,000 be met.

Thank you for joining us in this vital ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. May our God richly bless your work for his kingdom.

For the General Secretaries,

Danny E. Olinger, General Secretary of Christian Education, Orthodox Presbyterian Church


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