
May 2012 New Horizons

OPC China Mission



Widening Fields in China

Dealing with the Death of an Infant

Special Needs

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Widening Fields in China

Since I wrote my last article for New Horizons a year ago, a big change has occurred in my ministry: I have moved from one city (OC) to another city (AC) in China. For the next six months, I will be exploring exciting new opportunities for the Reformed faith there. I will be working with Christians here who number over seven hundred souls, and who meet in eight different locations. They meet in their own rented facilities and have upwards of 150 people in attendance. In the past, our Mission has concentrated its efforts on working with churches in the region near our base in OC for a number of reasons. First, these churches in OC have typically been more evangelical and Reformed than other groups there. Second, there is a historical connection between the OPC and the local church: the mother of the pastor when our work began was baptized years ago by one of our former missionaries. owever, broadening freedoms have expanded opportunities for the gospel in China and opened a door for our Mission to pursue ... Read more

Dealing with the Death of an Infant

“And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.” —Ecclesiastes 4:2–3 [Editor’s note: The recipients of this letter desire to share it with you. It was written to them by a friend after their son Asher died shortly after birth. Their daughter Meredith previously died one month after birth. Both had a heart defect.] Dear Chris and Amanda, It’s hard to know what to say. I haven’t experienced the loss of someone close, let alone a son. I’m very sorry. I’m encouraged by Chris’s e-mails and some of the things my wife shared about her visit with Amanda, that grace is abounding in your hearts. The gift of faith within you is looking toward the hand that smote you. It’s been said that God uses his sharpest instruments on his finest jewels. Let me encourage you to keep looking to the Savior who does “all things well.” ... Read more

Special Needs

To: rose@hotfone.com From: JuneMcrea@ustel.com Dear Rose, You’ve been asking my advice lately; now I’m going to turn the tables. A new family is moving to our area, and they plan to come to our church. They have three children. The youngest, Jake, will be in my 4s and 5s Sunday school class. I haven’t been told his diagnosis, but apparently he walks unsteadily, has difficulty with language comprehension, doesn’t speak much, and has a lot of tantrums. Didn’t you have a student with some similar issues once? Got any tips for me? I’m concerned about managing the tantrums without setting the other kids off. Love, June *     *     *     *     * To: junemcrea@ustel.com From: rose@hotfone.com Dear Sis, About fifteen years ago, there was a little girl, Mary, in my first through third grade class. She didn’t really have tantrums—just some background noise and ... Read more


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