
March 23 Book Reviews

Midnight Mercies: Walking with God Through Depression in Motherhood

Midnight Mercies: Walking with God Through Depression in Motherhood

Christine M. Chappell

Reviewed by: Rachelle Bennett

Midnight Mercies: Walking with God Through Depression in Motherhood, by Christine M. Chappell. P&R, 2023. Paperback, 136 pages, $17.99. Reviewed by OP member Rachelle Bennett.

This book addresses depression in motherhood by examining the topics of hopelessness, weariness, sadness, anger, anxiety, shame, and loneliness. Christine Chappell walks the reader through the ways that depression encompasses these feelings and then shows how Christ is walking alongside the Christian in each. Chappell ends by pointing the reader to the hope that can only be found in Christ.

Throughout the book, Chappell, a counselor, shares her firsthand experiences with depression and explores scriptural accounts of desperate sufferers who encounter God’s mercy. Chappell’s story and godly advice will be a tremendous help to anyone, not just mothers, who is walking through the depths of darkness.

At the end of each topic, Chappell suggests a next step and offers a summary to remember, as well as some reflections for personal application. What follows is a preview of how she addresses each of the topics (in italics).

In the section on hopelessness, Chappell encourages Christians to share their true feelings with someone. Finding another believer who will be able to walk alongside us during a time of great need is how God intended for us to live. When life seems like too much to bear and we become weary, the author reminds us that God is not telling us to “Go get ‘em!” and be the supermom we think we need to be, but to “Come to me” and out of faith step into his strength. Some of us tend to suppress our sadness when it seems like God isn’t helping, but Chappell encourages us to face those emotions and pour out our hearts to Christ. In our anger we need to remember that God is not cruel and hates evil and injustice. However, he has called us to suffer, as Christ suffered on earth, before we can share in his eternal glory. Instead of rehearsing what-ifs that cause anxiety, we are to meditate on Christ’s promise to be with us no matter where we go. The shame that comes with having these feelings of depression can cause us to want to hide from the world, but Chappell encourages us to remember that the Lord is our hiding place. Misery in loneliness can skew our perception of reality so that we cannot see the whole story or how God is gracious, compassionate, and merciful toward us.

The main point of the book is that in times of depression we should take refuge in the Lord, who gives us hope and offers a love that will never leave us.



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