
April 12, 2009 Book Review

Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest

Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest

Carolyn Leutwiler

Reviewed by: Stella Hoadley

Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest, by Carolyn Leutwiler. P&R Publishing, 2008. Paperback, 142 pages, list price $9.99. Reviewed by Stella Hoadley, a member of Redeemer OPC, Doraville, GA.

Every girl dreams of meeting her Prince Charming. Just like the character in Snow White, she thinks he’s going to sweep her off her feet and take her away to his palace, where they will live happily ever after. But back in real life, what happens when she is approaching her thirties and is still single? What is she to do? Far too often, she falls into despair and wonders what is wrong with her.

In her new book, Singleness Redefined: Living Life to the Fullest, Carolyn Leutwiler reminds single Christian women what their priorities should be. She seeks to redirect her readers’ perspectives: instead of focusing on the mythical Mr. Right, they should strive for a loving relationship with the sovereign God, develop a love of his Word and prayer, and foster a lifestyle of servanthood. In doing these things, they will not only better prepare themselves for marriage, but also grow in their relationship with their first husband, Jesus Christ. As Leutwiler points out in many thoughtful and creative ways, the more you know Christ, the more you will increase in grace, which is what mature Christian men desire in a wife.

The author also reminds singles that they have more time to serve the Lord in a way that married people do not. With this in mind, Leutwiler presents several tips for service, especially in the church. There are also useful questions for further meditation at the end of each chapter to encourage reflection and discussion.

I don’t endorse every point Leutwiler makes, but I do believe this book provides much helpful material. It could also be helpful to married women.

Leutwiler reminds her readers that people will always have suffering, whether they are single or married. These trials (and joys) are all part of our lifetime of preparing to meet our heavenly bridegroom. After all, this is every Christian’s ultimate destiny. And, as Leutwiler reminds her readers, “The story of redemption is the true fairy tale!”



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