
January 29, 2006 Book Review

Truth in All Its Glory: Commending the Reformed Faith

Truth in All Its Glory: Commending the Reformed Faith

William Edgar

Reviewed by: Peter J. Wallace

Truth in All Its Glory: Commending the Reformed Faith, by William Edgar. Published by P&R Publishing, 2004. Paperback, 301 pages, list price: $14.99. Reviewed by OP minister: Peter J. Wallace.

Have you ever had someone ask for a good book to give his evangelical neighbor who is asking questions about the Reformed faith? Or have you encountered a skeptic who has heard lots of , 'bad" things about the social consequences of Calvinism? Or have you ever wished that theologians would interact more with the implications of theology for how the church lives in the midst of our culture?

If so, you will be delighted to find William Edgar's Truth in All Its Glory. Edgar, professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, writes this book to give "the broad contours of the Reformed position" (p. ix) for study groups, membership classes, or informal discussions. People looking for intramural polemics will be disappointed, but those who are looking for something that commends the Reformed faith to the novice or the skeptic will be delighted.

The three sections of the book cover "foundations and history," the fabric of truth," and "living Reformed theology."

Edgar's explication of the Canons of Dort demonstrates effectively the pastoral focus of the Synod, and would be especially useful for someone who is struggling with the doctrine of limited atonement. His summary of church doctrine includes a thoughtful defense of male eldership, as well as an exhortation to conservative churches to utilize women's gifts more effectively. He also points out that restoring the relationship between God and his people will include restoring relationships between people - salvation and justice are not opposed.

Edgar's awareness of world Christianity pervades this book. He frequently points to the ways in which the church in the Southern Hemisphere is developing, and to the need for continued interaction between the older churches with their solid theology, and the younger churches with their lively evangelical zeal.



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