
March 24, 2024 Book Review

Worship Matters

Worship Matters

Cornelis Van Dam

Reviewed by: Archibald A. Allison

Worship Matters, by Cornelis Van Dam. RPpress, 2021. Paperback, 350 pages, $25.00 (Amazon). Reviewed by OP pastor Archibald A. Allison.

We are living in a time when people are looking for reasons not to worship the Lord. Whether afraid of illness, tired, busy, entertaining guests, watching sports, or just wanting to relax, many people choose not to gather with God’s people on the Lord’s Day to worship God. Yet every Lord’s Day, untold numbers of Christians defy their civil authorities and gather together to worship God in obedience to the King of Kings. Why do those living under oppressive Communist and Islamic rulers risk everything to gather publicly to praise the Lord and hear his Word? Why do fewer and fewer people go to church in free Western countries, which have a rich Christian heritage? Why do fewer Reformed Christians diligently attend the second worship service?

Christians who are living under anti-Christian regimes seem to have a greater appreciation for the awesome privilege of gathering with God’s people in the presence of the Triune God to worship him. They seem to understand that the highest calling and duty of man is to worship God as Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Savior, and Judge. In Revelation 4:10–11 (NKJV), the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, and by your will they exist and were created.”

In Worship Matters, Dr. Cornelis Van Dam, retired Reformed minister and Old Testament seminary professor, presents an assortment of speeches, special studies, and articles that address many important questions and issues related to public worship. Organized in six parts, the first part addresses whom we worship, why we worship, where we worship, when we worship, and how we worship, as well as chapters on God’s presence with his people in public worship and the day of rest and worship. The second part has four chapters on the preaching of the Word, the reading of the Word, the gospel of God’s blessing, and the place of the Ten Commandments in worship. The third part has five chapters on the glory of worship, including the privilege of worship and the second service, the glory of the gospel of Christ crucified for sinners, whom we preach, the glory of the resurrection and the ascension of Christ, and worshiping with the angels. The fourth part discusses singing and music in worship, including why we sing God’s praise, why we sing all the psalms, musical instruments, and dancing. The fifth part is five chapters on new challenges, such as adolescent Christianity, proper dress, seeker-friendly versus covenant worship, baptism, and what should attract those outside the church. The final section discusses our worship in heaven and on earth.

This book gives readers access to rich biblical content, Reformed theology, and church history, while discussing many practical matters. What a privilege of God’s grace that Christ redeems sinners who enter into God’s holy presence in public worship!



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