

Catastrophic Flooding Strikes Barre, VT


Pastor Carl Durham reports that, while the members of Covenant OPC in Barre, VT were spared, there is great need in both Barre and nearby Montpelier, VT. This community was hit with historic and catastrophic flooding of the Winooski River, following more than 8” of rain. Efforts are underway to organize teams to participate in disaster response effort.

On Friday, July 14, a group (VDOC) Vermont Disaster Oversight Committee met via Zoom to discuss the response needs. Pastor Durham, elder Mike Breen, deacon Craig Comstock and member Dan Bair of Covenant OPC, Barre, VT, along with PDC Chairman Mike Shingler from the Presbytery of New York and New England, OPC Disaster Response Coordinator, David Nakhla and Committee on Diaconal Ministries Disaster Response Subcommittee member John Voss met to discuss the path forward. Although there are no immediate needs from the local church, there is a desire to help neighbors where needed.

The scope of the damage caused to homes throughout Vermont grows daily. Every morning at 8 am there is a prayer at the flagpole in front of the Barre Auditorium. Many pastors and church members are attending the meeting, their hope is that it grows daily to the point of city wide notice.

Please pray for Covenant OPC as they search for suitable housing and hospitality for teams to serve in this effort and please prayerfully consider your involvement.

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