
February 28 Daily Devotional

Twilight: Elijah Greets the Redeemer

the Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven

Monthly Theme:

Elijah's name is his mission: "My God is the LORD." Elijah teaches us the meaning of repentance by the removal of idolatry. Unless we obey the Word, God's blessings don't descend. Instead, the land will experience a terrible drought.

Bible Reading:

Luke 9:28–36

Bible Text:

Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus ... about his departure (Luke 9:30-31).


Moses and Elijah represent "the law and the prophets," which in turn represent the entire Old Testament revelation. Both of these servants of God experienced a remarkable translation to glory after they had finished their wearisome tasks.

One day while they shared in the glory of the LORD God himself, they were allowed to appear on a mountaintop in Palestine to talk with Jesus. Their meeting was like a final strategy briefing on the eve of a decisive battle. These two retired generals were allowed to know the profound truth of God's plan, the cost of the sacrifice, and the objective of a redeemed people.

They talked with Jesus about his "departure." They discussed the way in which Jesus would fulfill God's purpose by dying in Jerusalem. Here the Old Testament stands in amazement because the heart of God is about to be revealed in the New.

Jesus' life, death, and resurrection did not rescind the words of the law and the deeds of the prophets. Instead, through Jesus the full meaning of the law and the prophets was expressed. The voices and fingers of Moses and Elijah had always pointed ahead to Jesus. Now the law and the prophets had come to pay homage to the Hope of the ages.

This isn't the end of the story. As Moses and Elijah were leaving, God himself descended to the mountain to declare, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen." If anyone wants to get wise, "listen to him."

Andrew Kuyvenhoven's Daylight, a modern devotional classic, was originally published in 1994. This edition is copyright by Faith Alive Christian Resources, from whom may be ordered Daylight, the predecessor of Twilight.

A man of many accomplishments, Andrew Kuyvenhoven is probably best known for his contributions to Today (formerly The Family Altar), a widely-used monthly devotional booklet associated with the Back to God Hour. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations for this edition of Twilight are from the New International Version

Be sure to read the "Preface" and the "Acknowledgments" by the author.



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