
March 3 Daily Devotional

Twilight: The Wine at the Wedding

the Rev. Andrew Kuyvenhoven

Monthly Theme:

In March we read the gospel of John. John wrote his gospel so that his readers would know and believe the claims of Jesus. Those who do have everlasting life here and now.

Bible Reading:

John 2:1–11

Bible Text:

This [was] the first of his miraculous signs.... He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him (John 2:11).


Everyone attends weddings and funerals from time to time. So did the Son of God.

Jewish weddings could last as long as a week. Most of us would not have the time or the stomach for so much feasting. But Jesus, on whose shoulders the burden of humanity rested, took time out to participate in a wedding celebration.

At this village wedding, Christ performed "the first of his miraculous signs"—that is, the first of many great deeds that "revealed his glory" as the Son of God. And after his disciples saw the first sign, they "put their faith in him."

The time had come for Jesus to reveal his identity. From this moment on he showed that he was the Messiah and the Son of God. Everyone who believed in him received life—and this truth remains to this day.

As his first sign, Jesus changed water into wine. A large quantity of water became a large quantity of wine. Old Testament prophets often compared the new day, when God would come to set all things straight, to banquets and other times of abundant joy: "New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills" (Amos 9:13).

Never forget that Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding feast. And that he did not change the wine into water but the water into wine.

Andrew Kuyvenhoven's Daylight, a modern devotional classic, was originally published in 1994. This edition is copyright by Faith Alive Christian Resources, from whom may be ordered Daylight, the predecessor of Twilight.

A man of many accomplishments, Andrew Kuyvenhoven is probably best known for his contributions to Today (formerly The Family Altar), a widely-used monthly devotional booklet associated with the Back to God Hour. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations for this edition of Twilight are from the New International Version

Be sure to read the "Preface" and the "Acknowledgments" by the author.



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