

Testimonial: A Place that Needs the Gospel

Venture Missions Team


Venture Missions is the annual summer outreach of Menominee OPC to children on the nearby Menominee Indian Reservation in Zoar, WI. Five members of the 2017 team shared their testimonials with us.

Andy Mittlestaedt (Bethel OPC, Wheaton, IL):

“Venture Missions has been a very meaningful experience for me over the past five years. It is a growing experience for high school and college students who want to grow closer to Christ and gain experience spreading the gospel. The beautiful Menominee Indian Reservation is full of friendly people, but it is a place that needs the gospel. This ongoing ministry allows Menominee OPC and the Venture Missions team members to build a relationship with the Menominee people which I pray God will use to grow his kingdom."

More Testimonials:

Click here for more Venture Missions testimonials!

Visit www.opcstm.org for more photos and testimonials from those who have served as short-term missionaries in the OPC!


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