
July 14 Today in OPC History

Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Relations



On this date in 1997, the Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Relations (CEIR) was announcing through the pages of New Horizons that it was seeking an "entry-level" relationship with the United Reformed Churches in North America and that it hoped to establish a bond of ecclesiastical fellowship with the Canadian Reformed Chuches. The CEIR also declared that it was sending Mark Bube, Richard Gaffin, John Galbraith and Jack Peterson as delegates to the International Conference of Reformed Churches meeting in Sheol, Korea, on October 14-23.

Picture: 1997 CEIR members (from left): Mark Bube, Tom Tyson, Jack Peterson, John Hilbelink, Richard Gaffin, Richard Barker, John Galbraith, Robert Needham, and G.I. Williamson.



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