
January 23 Today in OPC History

Harry Hanson



On this date in January 1945, Orthodox Presbyterian congregations were warned to be on the lookout for a man victimizing Reformed churches. The Presbyterian Guardian reported,

When last seen on the Pacific Coast he was traveling under the name of Harry Hanson. He is a Norwegian, and at one of the churches, before disappearing with $22, he told hard luck stories about imprisonment by the Nazis. He also visits the homes of members and puts on an impressive performance for the money he collects. This man is about forty years old, has a Cyrano de Bergerac nose, speaks good English, has body lacerations which he is proud to display, and is toothless and very glib. He speaks in orthodox terminology and mentions Orthodox Presbyterian ministers by name. Any Orthodox Presbyterian who is approached by this man should attempt to enlist the aid of the local police or Better Business Bureau.



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