
May 28 Today in OPC History

Fred and Loretta Baum



On May 28, 2006, First OPC, Baltimore, Maryland, honored Fred and Loretta Baum for their long time service to the members of First Church. The celebration was in light of the Baums moving to Roanoke, Virginia and Garst Mill OPC in order to be closer geographically to their children.

The Baums had first come to Baltimore from Calvary OPC, Harrisburg in 1960. Mr. Baum soon was ordained and installed as a ruling elder at First OPC on September 24, 1961. For his last twenty-five years at First Church, Mr. Baum served with Pastor Stuart Jones. Mr. Jones commented on the service of his friend: "Fred’s service was quiet and unassuming. Besides faithfully performing the work of a compassionate elder, he could be relied on to keep the church facility going and was one of the few men brave and agile enough - even in his later years - to climb an extended ladder to change the light bulbs in the high vaulted ceiling of the church sanctuary. His believing children are further testimony to God’s grace and work in the life of his servant."

Mr. and Mrs. Baum also gave themselves to the work of the French Creek Bible Conference over the decades.

At the 83rd (2016) General Assembly, Mr. Baum was recognized by the Assembly for his service as an elder in the church for over fifty years.

Home Page Picture: Fred and Loretta Baum being honored on May 28, 2006.

Picture: Matthew Holst (left) thanking Fred Baum for his service at the 83rd GA.



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