
March 31 Today in OPC History

Jon Stevenson



On March 31, 2013, Jon Stevenson retired as director of the Boardwalk Chapel ministry. Some forty-six years earlier as a college student, Jon had given his testimony on the Chapel stage. That same summer, he met Marian Brown, a member of Covenant OPC, Vineland, New Jersey, and together they would attend the nightly services. Married soon thereafter, Jon and Marian gave their hearts to the ministry of the Boardwalk Chapel and to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in the decades that followed.

Although retired from the Boardwalk Chapel ministry, Jon has stayed active, serving as the stated clerk of the Presbytery of New Jersey and on the OPC Committee on Foreign Missions. Jon and Marian's connection with OPC foreign missions runs deeper than Jon's service on the Committee as their daughter, Jeni, and her husband, Mark Richline, currently serve as OPC missionaries to Uruguay.

Picture: Jon Stevenson (left) and Walt Kendall talking with a visitor in 1981 at the Boardwalk Chapel.



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