
January 10, 2006 News

MTIOPC Starting Spring Term

The Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (MTIOPC) is making preparations for the spring semester, which begins on February 1, 2006. Courses to be offered are Pastoral Theology, taught by Rev. William Shishko; Reformed Worship (Liturgics), taught by Rev. Larry E. Wilson; and Defending the Faith (Presuppositional Apologetics), taught by Dr. William Dennison.

The MTIOPC student has the benefit of sitting under some of the most distinguished ministers and elders of the OPC, as well as the opportunity to interact with students from across the country - men studying to become OPC pastors, current OPC pastors, ruling elders and others interested in the Reformed faith.

The demands of MTIOPC courses equal or exceed the demands of seminary courses. Courses require considerable preparation - a combination of readings, papers, internet interaction, and a required intensive educational training. The intensive training for Pastoral Theology will be held in Franklin Square, New York from April 22-27, 2006. The intensive training for Reformed Worship and Defending the Faith will be held in Wheaton, Illinois from May 15-18, 2006. Interested students should register as soon as possible. For further information, click here.


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