
July 02, 2012 News

MIDI and MP3 Files for Revised Trinity Hymnal (1990)

Complete MIDI and MP3 files for the revised Trinity Hymnal (1990) are now posted on the Trinity Hymnal page. Prepared by Elder William Bacon using musical scanning software, these files are similar to files he created a decade ago for the original Trinity Hymnal (1961), also available on the Trinity Hymnal page.

The complete MIDI files are contained in a .exe file (1.1 MB). The complete MP3 files are contained in very large .zip file (2.3 GB), which should be downloaded using a high-speed internet connection.

Technical information for using these files may be found here.

Suggestions for using these files in accompanying congregational singing may be found in Alan R. Pontier's article, Better Singing in Smaller Churches.

It is our prayer that these resources may be used to improve congregational singing to the glory of God.

"Sing unto the Lord a new song" (Ps. 149:1).


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