
January 09, 2006 News

Mentoring Churches Sought

Date: January 9, 2006
To: Sessions and Pastors of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
From: Danny Olinger, general secretary of the Committee on Christian Education

Dear Fathers and Brethren:

Greetings in the name of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

As many of you are participating currently in the budgeting process for 2006 in your local churches, please consider having an intern in your church this coming year. A ministerial internship gives a man who aspires to be a pastor needed exposure to the many aspects of ministry. It also gives churches an opportunity to receive a blessing from the man's service. You and your congregation may contribute toward helping mold a new pastor and at the same time benefit from his labors among you.

The Committee on Christian Education (CCE) will help you find an intern and will provide matching financial assistance of up to $900 per month, pending application and approval (for a church application form, click here; other information can be found here). The deadline for the application to be received is March 10, 2006. Applications can be sent to olinger.1@opc.org or to Committee on Christian Education, 607 N. Easton Rd., Bldg. E, Box P, Willow Grove, PA, 19090.

Because we do take this seriously, we request certain commitments right up front in the application. We want an interning church and a mentoring pastor to have a clear plan for the internship program. We request the interning church session to evaluate the intern (using our evaluation form) and we also request him to evaluate his intern experience, in order that both parties may draw the most profit from the experience.

Cordially in Christ,

Danny Olinger
General Secretary of Christian Education
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Rd., Bldg. E
Willow Grove, PA 19090


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