
February 12, 2015 News

Thank Offering Report

To: the pastors and sessions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Dear Fathers and Brothers,

Greetings in the name of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

The Thank Offering provides the opportunity for us as God’s people to sow, believing that there will be a great harvest to the glory of God in the work of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Christian Education, Home and Foreign Missions. The triune God—Father, Son, and Spirit—does not need our money. However, as Paul expressed to the Corinthians concerning the offering for the poor in Jerusalem, God is glorified and the needs of his people are met through the giving of his church. It is a joy, then, to announce that $777,999 for the 2014 Thank Offering was received before the end of the year, and another $260,029 was received in January for a total of $1,038,028.

I would like to thank you, and the members and friends of the OPC, for this generous outpouring of gifts, not only in regard to the Thank Offering, but also in regard to the 2014 giving to Worldwide Outreach (WWO). In having received receipts for $3,668,044, the program committees of Christian Education, Home Missions and Church Extension, and Foreign Missions reached 96.4% of the WWO budget. The 2014 Worldwide Outreach deficit was $ 136,448 (-3.6 %).

Please share this news with your entire congregation and any who may be interested.

Cordially in Christ,
Danny E. Olinger

General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education,
on behalf of the general secretaries of the program committees of the OPC


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