
February 09, 2016 News

Embers to a Flame Conference

Redeemer OPC, Ada, Michigan is hosting a From Embers to a Flame conference on April 21–23, 2016.

Embers to a Flame (an organization with affiliations in the PCA) designs their conferences to reinforce biblical principles within local congregations—principles such as evangelism and discipleship, biblical preaching, and intercessory prayer. Several Orthodox Presbyterian congregations are currently utilizing resources from Embers to a Flame. They have found conferences such as this one to be an encouragement.

If you are interested in this conference, you can find further information here. John Currie, the pastor at Redeemer OPC in Ada, would also be willing to provide more information. If you are interested, please contact him by clicking here.

You can check out the Embers to a Flame resource book here.


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