
September 19, 2017 News

7th Annual Cape Cod Reformed Conference

“With All Your Heart—Loving, Knowing, & Choosing Christ” is the title and theme of this year’s Cape Cod Reformed Conference, hosted by OPC Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod, November 10–12, 2017. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. A. Craig Troxel, senior pastor of Bethel Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Wheaton, Illinois, adjunct professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, and adjunct professor of Ministerial Studies at Mid-America Reformed Seminary in Dyer, IN. Rev. Troxel will lead us in an in-depth study from the Scriptures about our thought life, our desires, and the choices we make. For registration, conference schedule, printable brochures, and lodging information please go to http://www.presbyterianchurchofcapecod.com or call Ellen Marcel at 781-351-9557. As always, this is a FREE event; however, registration is needed for a meal count and allergy information for the Saturday lunch. An offering will be taken at the Friday and Saturday sessions to help with the cost of this year's conference. This is a wonderful time of teaching and fellowship on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. If you have not been with us before, please consider joining us this year! If you have been, please join us again!


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