
November 27, 2017 News

MTIOPC Spring 2018 Enrollment Opens

Attention, OPC pastors, licentiates, men under care of a presbytery, and elders:

Enroll today for a course from the Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (MTIOPC). Deadline is January 31, 2018.

Classes begin February 5, 2018 for the following courses:

  • Ecclesiology, taught by the Rev. Dr. A. Craig Troxel
  • Form of Government, taught by the Rev. Dr. Alan D. Strange
  • Homiletics, taught by the Rev. Douglas B. Clawson and the Rev. Dale A. Van Dyke

Mandatory Intensive Training will be held at Harvest OPC, Wyoming (Grand Rapids), Michigan, May 15–17. Non-commuting students arrive on May 14. Students depart on Thursday afternoon, May 17.

Applications are available OPC.org. Go to Worldwide Outreach, Christian Education, Ministerial Training, then click on MTIOPC.


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