
April 23, 2020 News

Help for Churches during Lockdowns

At a meeting of the Trustees held today, discussion arose about helping OP churches with guidance on online platforms for conducting e-meetings during the COVID-19 crisis which has led to social lockdowns in most states. The Trustees asked me to contact you with links for the following articles on OPC.org which may be of help to your member churches, at least as a starting point:

The Trustees recognize that most congregations probably have settled already on a platform for conducting online worship services during the lockdown; nevertheless, they wanted to offer leads for those which may still be looking into options. Please pass these article links on to any congregation or mission work which you think might benefit from them.

In addition to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Google Meet are other secure platforms that allow for interaction between those participating in the meeting. Some of these require a subscription before they can be used, however. Details are available online and tutorials are available for those interesting in using one of these alternatives to Zoom.

On behalf of the Trustees of the OPC,

Hank L. Belfield
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly


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