
August 22, 2020 News

Richard C. Miller

The Rev. Richard C. Miller finished his earthly sojourn and passed into the presence of our Lord on August 12, 2020 after battling COVID-19. He was 80 years old and is survived by his wife, Jo Ellen, as well as three adult children.

A graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary, Rev. Miller was ordained March 13, 1970 by the Presbytery of New Jersey, where he took up his first call as the pastor of Community OPC in Garfield, N.J. He then labored for 32 years in Novato, Cal. as the pastor of Trinity OPC from 1974–2006, where he built up the newly-organized church into a firmly established congregation in the spiritually rocky soil of Marin County. In addition to his labors at the local church, he also served as stated clerk of the Presbytery of Northern California from 1980–1988 and again from 1993–2003. After his retirement he served as interim pastor of Emmanuel OPC in Wilmington, Del., from 2007–2008.

When people spoke to Rev. Miller about something they were hopeful about he would often ask them, “Is that a biblical hope?” He did so to help them distinguish between the uncertain things that the world hopes in, and the Christian’s biblical hope in Christ, which is certain and sure. Rev. Miller formerly held his biblical hope by faith; now he holds it in sight, as he beholds the glory of his Savior.

Rev. W. Reid Hankins
Trinity OPC, Novato, California


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