
November 23, 2020 News

OPC Disaster Response News

Tropical Storm Isaias
Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic: Leonardtown, Maryland, Site Coordinator, Curt Sproul reports: Work has progressed nicely due to a number of very dedicated volunteers from the OPC and Callaway Baptist Church. All plywood subfloors and the bulk of the insulation has been installed. Volunteers are on hold for the week or until the electrician, plumber and plasterer are finished. Site coordinator, Curt Sproul needs painters at the end of the month as we look toward putting the house back together! You don't have to pick the paint colors (that's the worst part), just show up with your painting clothes on and a willing spirit! Contact Gloria if you are interested: isaiasvolunteers@opc.org. Donations are appreciated: give.opc.org! We need your help in the coming weeks!

Midland Flood Disaster
Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario: The Moots’ home is making significant progress, but we still need your help to get it done in time for Christmas move-in, Lord willing! Progress is being made: a doorway and sidelight were installed by URC/RMS director Rob Brinks; painting was done by extended family members local OPC volunteers, and OPC volunteers from Grand Rapids led by Jeff Davis. Trim was installed by OPC volunteers led by Pete Onnink; kitchen cabinet installation was done by Jim Smies and Roger Wesner, and bathroom tile was generously gifted by a friend of the Moots family. Steve Hill is on-site doing electrical and carpentry work, and Doug Baxter will finish plumbing the week of Thanksgiving. Everything is shaping up beautifully, but there are still things to do this fall and in the spring. Contact Sam Phillips to volunteer: midlandvolunteers@opc.org.

COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund
The Committee on Diaconal Ministries’ COVID-19 Pandemic Response (CPR) Fund has received over $52,000 in generous donations to date! With these gifts, the Committee on Diaconal Ministries has been able to respond to requests for financial assistance from Kenya, Uganda, Haiti, India, Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Ethiopia.

A special thanks goes out to our volunteers who have tirelessly given of their time to help families in need, our donors who have given sacrificially and to our prayer warriors for their faithfulness. Go to our website to get more information about each of these updates and to volunteer: opcdisasterresponse.org/. To donate, go to give.opc.org/diaconal-ministries-summary. Please email us with any questions you may have.


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