
February 06, 2007 News

2006 Thank Offering Report

To: The sessions and congregations of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Re: Rejoicing in the 2006 Thank Offering

Dear friends in Christ:

Thank you for your participation in Thank Offering 2006, "A BETTER POSSESSION." The generosity shown by many congregations is deeply appreciated.

Giving for the 2006 Thank Offering totaled $741,005. The goal had been $675,000. We praise God for how marvelously and generously the people of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church gave!

The Lord has been very good to the OPC in 2006. Total Worldwide Outreach offerings for the year were $2,614,003. This is 1% greater than in 2005, but 1.4% or $38,000 short of the General Assembly-approved WWO budget.

The generous gifts of people across the Orthodox Presbyterian Church will enable the three program committees—Christian Education, Foreign Missions, and Home Missions and Church Extension—to continue to vigorously proclaim Jesus Christ, establish new churches at home and abroad, and teach Christ's disciples all that he commanded. This month foreign missionaries Ben and Heather Hopp and their children begin preparations for their going to Haiti late in the spring. Home Missions began the support of three new mission works and looks forward to the possibility of 14 additional new fields this year. And the Committee on Christian Education hopes to field 10 yearlong interns in 2007.

Please continue to pray for the more than 75 families, laboring for Christ, which your gifts to Worldwide Outreach support.

Your fellow-laborers,

Mark T. Bube
Douglas B. Clawson
Richard R. Gerber
Ross W. Graham
David E. Haney
Danny E. Olinger


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