
April 24, 2021 News

Trinity Psalter Hymnal iOS App Now Available!

The highly-anticipated Trinity Psalter Hymnal mobile app is now available on the Apple iOS platform. The app has been professionally developed and designed for ease of use and seamless functionality for both iPad and iPhone devices.

Intended as a supplement to the print and digital editions of the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, the Trinity Psalter Hymnal app features the full text and music of the songbook, as well as professional and high-quality piano tune recordings. Some key features of the app include searchable full text, browsable indexes (title and first line, hymn table of contents), bookmarking of songs, and looping of a tune for the number of stanzas in each song. The mobile app is a great resource for planning worship, learning new songs, and singing along in family devotions.

The iOS app is available for purchase and download now for a one-time price of $9.99. Future app releases are included in purchase. Future app upgrades and features are being developed to include more robust Scripture, topic, and tune indexes akin to those in the print editions.

To purchase the app, search for Trinity Psalter Hymnal on the Apple App Store. See www.psalterhymnal.org/purchase for more information. An Android operating system mobile app is still under development, to be released later in 2021.


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