
March 02, 2007 News

Turning Points in American Presbyterian History Index Available

Readers who enjoyed D. G. Hart and John R. Muether's series of articles "Turning Points in American Presbyterian History" (published in New Horizons from January, 2005 to April, 2006)—as well as new readers who are interested in the history of American Presbyterian history—will be happy to know that an index of articles is now available on the Machen page (accessible by clicking on the arrow to the right of Machen's photo on the OPC home page). The following articles are available.

  1. Turning Points in American Presbyterian History
  2. Origins and Identity, 1706-1729
  3. Old Side versus New Side, 1741-1758
  4. A National Presbyterian Church, 1789
  5. The Plan of Union, 1801
  6. Old School Presbyterianism, 1838
  7. The Reunion of 1869
  8. Confessional Revision in 1903
  9. The Special Commission of 1925
  10. 1936: A Continuing Presbyterian Church
  11. The Confession of 1967
  12. 1973: The Presbyterian Church in America
  13. Presbyterian Reunion in 1983
  14. Conclusion: Without Illusions

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