
May 12, 2007 News

Garcia-Blackburn Debate Audio Available

Dr. Mark A. Garcia, an OPC minister in the Presbytery of the South who is currently at Cambridge University as visiting scholar in the faculty of history, debated Cambridge philosophy professor Simon Blackburn in Cambridge, England on May 7, 2007. The topic was "The Existence of God." The debate was expected to attract considerable attention.

Dr. Garcia is also senior member/postdoctoral research associate at Wolfson College working as research fellow for the Craig Center for the Study of the Westminster Standards, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and teaches as an adjunct for Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia.

He authored the article "Pilgrimage in the Mode of Hope: Thoughts on the Usefulness of Catechism" in the February 2007 issue of Ordained Servant. To go to the article, click here.

The churches were requested to pray for Dr. Garcia, since the debate occurred in the midst of a busy preaching and teaching schedule in the UK and the US.

To listen to an audio recording of the debate, click here.


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