
May 09, 2007 News

2007 Candidates and Credentials Conference

The Committee on Christian Education is glad to announce the 2007 Candidates and Credentials Conference will be at held at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Fort Worth, Texas, on August 14-15. The conference will start at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14, and will extend through 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15. Transportation will be provided to and from the airport to Covenant Church.

The CCE will provide hospitality and meals for a representative of each presbytery's C&C Committee. The CCE encourages each presbytery to pay the travel expenses of its representative. However, if a presbytery is unable to pay for the travel expenses of its representative, the CCE will provide reimbursement up to $500.

The conference will highlight the unique issues and challenges that are facing C&C Committees in the examination and ordination of men to the gospel ministry.

Those wishing to attend should contact Pat Clawson at ccesec@opc.org or 215-830-0900 before July 9.

Yours in Christ,
Danny E. Olinger
General Secretary
Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

P.S. Due to heavy traffic congestion during the 4 to 6 p.m. rush hour, we have changed the starting and ending times of the conference. As corrected above, the conference will begin at 4 p.m. Tuesday, August 14, and end at 2 p.m. Wednesday, August 15. The change in times will allow men to fly out mid-afternoon on Wednesday or later Wednesday night when the traffic is less congested. Rides will be provided to and from the airport at those times. We want to avoid "airport runs" during rush hour.

We also need the names of the men who plan to attend and their flight plans by Monday, July 9, to help those in the area arrange housing and food needs. Thank you so much for your help in getting the information to us by Monday, July 9.


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