
February 15 Today in OPC History

Placentia, California



In 1980 Covenant Community Church in Placentia, California, began as a mission work of Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church, La Mirada, with the Rev. Gregory Bahnsen filling the pulpit. At the first worship service with fifteen people in attendance, Mr. Bahnsen preached from Zechariah, “Do Not Despise the Day of Small Beginnings.” The group grew and on this day in 1981, it was constituted and received as a particular congregation in the Presbytery of Southern California. The next month the congregation called Mr. Bahnsen as its pastor.

Among the distinctive features of Covenant Community Church’s practice and worship were the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper, “Open Forum” meetings each month for discussion of topics, a monthly “Supper and Sing,” and open session meetings. In 1988 Covenant Community Church merged with Plymouth Congregational Church, Newport Beach with Mr. Bahnsen and the Rev. L. Anthony Curto serving as co-pastors.

Picture: Greg Bahnsen



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