
July 21 Today in OPC History

Short-Term Missions Quebec


On July 21, 2004, twenty-one teenagers and four leaders from Redeemer OPC in Atlanta, Georgia, were four days into helping encourage believers at Farel Reformed Theological Seminary in Quebec. The volunteers painted classrooms, organized the theological library, and removed Roman Catholic elements from the sanctuary. The group also traveled to Quebec City to help Pastor Bernard Westerveld with coffeehouse evangelism, using English language conversation to attract people.

Those participating in the trip were adult leaders Frank and Judy Annessi and Jonathan and Beka Hastings. Teenagers participating were Jenny and Matt Annessi, James and Beka McInnes, Josh, Esther and Hannah Larkins, Sam Coman, Sam Lawrence, Anna Agree, John Ortega, Senitra Syas, Greta Meier and Jesse Meier, Bradley and Samuel Winstead, Rachel Sedlak, Mark Gerwig, Daniel Betsill, Biz and Dorthy Felker, and Suzanne Tamburello.

Picture: Redeemer Church mission group at the wall of history Quebec City.



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