
July 1 Today in OPC History

John and Ada Galbraith


On this date in 1964, John and Ada Galbraith were one week into their month long visit to the OPC Far East mission fields in Korea and Formosa. In Korea, the Galbraiths spent one week each with the Harvie Conn, Bruce Hunt and Ted Hard missionary families. Mr. Galbraith visited seminaries, Bible institutes, a leper church, local churches, the mission reading rooms and the TEAM radio station that Mr. Conn used for broadcasts. He also preached in Seoul, Pusan, and Kwangju with Mr. Hard and Mr. Hunt translating. Taking advantage of the face-to-face time with the missionaries, Mr. Galbraith talked from morning to night with the missionaries about how to help with mission policy, logistical problems and whether new missionaries were needed in Korea. In Formosa and Japan, the Galbraiths repeated the same type of schedule with the Egbert Andrews, Richard Gaffin, Heber McIlwaine and John Johnston missionary families.

Picture: From left to right, Bruce Hunt, John Galbraith, Dottie Conn, Kathy Hunt, Ada Galbraith in the summer of 1964.



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