
August 7 Today in OPC History

Alan Pontier


On this date in 1988, the Rev. Alan Pontier was received into membership of the Presbytery of Southern California as he accepted a call to serve as pastor of Beverly OPC, Los Angeles. Ordained in the Bible Presbyterian Church in 1977, Mr. Pontier graduated with a M.Div. in 1981 and Th.M. in 1984 from Covenant Theological Seminary. He would pastor Beverly OPC from 1988–2004 and from 2005–2015 he served as an evangelist serving Big Bear Valley OPC, Big Bear City, California. In 2010, Mr. Pontier was elected moderator of the 77th General Assembly meeting at Trinity College in Palos Heights, Illinois.

Picture: Moderator Alan Pontier at the 77th General Assembly



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