
January 28 Today in OPC History

Manhattan Beach, California


After forty-three years in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian Church, Manhattan Beach, California, transferred to the Presbyterian Church in America on this date in 1989. In 1946 when First Church joined the OPC, session members were Pastor Clifford Smith and ruling elders William Malcor and Paul Walker. In 1948 Wilson Albright became the pastor and the Lord blessed First Church with numerical growth. By 1955 there were over two hundred members and by 1960 there were over three hundred members. In 1962 Ralph Clough became pastor of First Church. His twelve years of ministry was considered by many at First Church to be a highlight in the church's history.

In 1971 First Church called one of its own, Calvin Malcor, son of William Malcor, as its associate pastor. In 1973 First Church solidified its ties with the OPC by serving as the host church for the Fortieth General Assembly.

By 1983 when Mark House was called as pastor of First Church, the membership of the congregation numbered 150. Mr. House would also transfer to the PCA on this date in 1989 to serve as the pastor of New Life PCA, the new name of First Church.

Picture:Top right to left, Wilson Albright (back center) with family and friends in 1955 (including future OPC ruling elder Jon Stevenson in front row with cowboy shirt), Calvin Malcor, and commissioners meeting at First Church for 1973 GA.



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