
September 8 Today in OPC History

Great Commission Publications


On this date in 1978, the Board of Trustees of Great Commission Publications (GCP), the joint ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), adopted a normal operating procedure for the planning and publishing of all Christian education materials (other than those intended for exclusive use within one denomination). The trustees determined that proposals for publication projects which came from either the Committee for Christian Education and Publications of the PCA or the Committee on Christian Education of the OPC would be received and considered by the Board of Trustees or its designated subcommittee. The GCP staff, working on behalf of the trustees, would then set publication priorities, including planning, editing, and publication of such projects. This operating procedure was subsequently endorsed by each church’s Committee on Christian Education.

CCE members Robert B. Ashlock, Edmund C. Clowney, F. Kingsley Elder, Peyton H. Gardner, Donald M. Poundstone and Roger W. Schmurr represented the OPC on the Board of Trustees. General Secretary Robley J. Johnston served as an ex-officio member.

Homepage picture: GCP staff promotional picture for 1977-1978, Allen Curry, Joseph Pipa and Dorothy Anderson standing.

Picture: GCP staff promotional picture for 1977-1978.



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