At the meeting of the Committee on Foreign Missions on February 19, 1974, the Committee voted to request of the General Assembly to include the Stewardship Committee as a separate part of the Combined Budget of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church rather than as a function of the Committees of Foreign Missions, Home Missions and Christian Education. In addition to General Secretary John Galbraith, members of the CFM at the meeting were ministers Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. (president), Harvie M. Conn, Leslie A. Dunn, Elmer M. Dortzbach, Donald J. Duff, Bernard J. Stonehouse, Theodore J. Georgian, Edwin C. Urban, Laurence N. Vail and ruling elders Henry K. Bacon, R. Eugene List, William A. Haldeman, John L. Kortenhoeven, Newman de Haas and William E. Neal.
Homepage Picture: John Galbraith and a member of the Ethiopian mission in 1973
Picture: (clockwise) John Galbraith, Chip Stonehouse, John Kortenhoeven, Dick Gaffin, Harvie Conn, Donald Duff (center) with Kingsley Elder (seated) and Art Stelzer,
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