On August 30, 1946, the First Ecumenical Synod of Reformed Churches held at Grand Rapids, Michigan ended after 16 days of meetings. The Rev. Dr. Ned B. Stonehouse attended the meetings as an auditor on behalf of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and was enrolled as an advisory member.
One of the major issues raised was the maintenance and development of the Reformed Faith in Germany. The Reformed Churches of Ostfriesland and of Grafschap Bentheim, although denominationally connected with the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands, were not permitted by the Allied authorities to resume contact with these churches. They also were not permitted to send delegates to the synodical meetings in the Netherlands nor to send their students to the denominational seminary. The ecumenical Synod, taking stock of situation, prepared a petition to present to the government of the United States to take steps to amend this situation.
The OPC would accept an invitation to join the Reformed Ecumenical Synod in 1948 and Stonehouse would agree to serve as the OPC's representative.
Picture: Ned B. Stonehouse
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