
August 22 Today in OPC History

Candidates and Credentials Conference



On this date in 2010, the CCE sponsored Candidates and Credentials Conference hosted by Grace Presbyterian Church in Columbus, Ohio, was finishing up. The conference was held to encourage interaction among the candidate and credentials committees of the presbyteries. It included feedback given to the nine MTIOPC instructors present on how to improve the program. Presbytery representatives who attended were: Charles Biggs (Mid-Atlantic), Chad Bond (Southwest), Gary Davenport (Southwest), Andy Demana (Ohio), Brent Ferry (Southeast), Wayne Forkner (Northern California), Arthur Fox (Philadelphia), James Gidley (Ohio), Zach Keele (Southern California), George Knight (Southeast), John Muether (South), William Shishko (Southern NY and Connecticut), Darren Thole (South), Glenn Jerrell (Michigan and Ontario), Peter Vosteen (Northwest), Peter Wallace (Michigan and Ontario), and Iain Wright (Midwest).

Picture: Glenn Jerrell



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