
August 27 Today in OPC History

Leo and Nancy Frailey


Leo and Nancy Frailey were married on this day in 1966. Their first two years of marriage were spent living happily in a large upstairs room at the former Widener Estate in Philadelphia, PA, as Leo completed his studies at Faith Theological Seminary.

Both Leo and Nancy were convicted of the truth of the gospel at a young age, and met as teenagers involved in parachurch ministries in Eastern Pennsylvania. Committed to entering the ministry, Leo graduated from seminary and the couple moved to Columbus, Ohio where Leo served at Calvary Bible Church. He later became pastor of a small mission work called Grace Reformed Church, and it was at this time that he also began working with the local school system’s Occupational Work Experience program. By providing potential high school dropouts with work experience at local businesses, the program encouraged students to complete their education. Leo didn’t know it at the time, but he would continue this rewarding work for thirty years.

As the Fraileys became more involved in the Reformed community in Columbus, Leo began filling the pulpit for a mission work meeting in a Holiday Inn. This young church, under the eventual care of Pastor Bob Eckardt, became Grace OPC. By this time Leo and Nancy were parents to Joel, Jonathan, Jennifer and Jessica, and Jessica was the first infant baptized in the new church.

Since the formal transfer of his ordination to the Presbytery of Ohio in 1979, Pastor Frailey has served faithfully in various roles, including part-time regional home missionary, and associate pastor at Jersey Reformed Church as well as at Grace OPC before his retirement in 2011.

Editor's Note: Today's entry was written by Laura Schutz.



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