
August 16 Today in OPC History

Arthur Perkins


On August 16, 1936, the Rev. Arthur Perkins, a constituting member of the Presbyterian Church of America (later the OPC), continued to spread the cause of the new church in the state of Wisconsin when he preached to those interested in Red Springs Township the sermon “Why I Am No Longer in the Presbyterian Church, USA.” Eight members of the John Sargent Memorial Church who heard that sermon would eventually sign a letter of protest against the policies of the PCUSA, and withdraw from that denomination. They would also form the core group for what would become the Old Stockbridge OPC.

Earlier that summer, the Syracuse Assembly of the PCUSA had suspended Perkins from the gospel ministry for his support of J. Gresham Machen. Consequently, Community Presbyterian Church in Merrill where Perkins served as pastor withdrew from the PCUSA and joined the new church on June 21, 1936, as the first congregation from the state of Wisconsin. Community Presbyterian Church then extended a call to Perkins, stipulating a salary of $1,200 per year, together with the free use of a manse, or twenty dollars a month in lieu of a manse.

On December 29, 1936, Perkins became the first constituting ministerial member of the new church to pass into glory. The funeral services were held in the Community Presbyterian Church of Merrill on Friday, January 1st, the same day as the death of Machen. The moderator of the Presbytery of Wisconsin, the Rev. W. H. Kielhorn, presided and led the people in prayer. The Rev. John J. De Waard, of Cedar Grove, preached the funeral sermon on the text, “He that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

Picture: Arthur Perkins



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