
August 7 Today in OPC History

Kalamazoo, Michigan



On August 7, 1979, First Orthodox Presbyterian Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan, was received by the Presbytery of the Midwest. In October 1982 the congregation called the Rev. Abe W. Ediger as its first pastor. The Lord prospered the ministerial labor of Pastor Ediger and the membership grew through evangelistic outreach. The congregation also changed its name at this time to Community Presbyterian Church.

In 1988 Mr. Ediger retired and the Rev. Kenneth Smith became pastor. Mr. Smith was followed in 1996 by the Rev. Timothy Bero. After seventeen years of faithful ministry, Mr. Bero retired in 2013. On July 15, 2017, Jonathan Cruse was ordained and installed as pastor of Community OPC.

Picture: Jonathan Cruse’s ordination to the gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario.



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