
September 4 Today in OPC History

Mark and Tammy Schroeder


It all began in September of 1981: Mark Schroeder was living on the bottom floor of a multi-level condo in Newport Beach, California, when he met the vivacious Tamora Church from upstairs. Tammy knew the Lord and was hungry to study her Bible. When Mark started sharing with Tammy the Reformed faith, she would challenge him by saying, “Show me chapter-verse!”. And he did! It didn’t take long for her to be hooked on the Reformed faith and the handsome, soon-to-be-clergyman; they were married on September 4,1982.

Their first baby girl, Megan, came along about three years later, followed shortly by the arrival of Lindsay, their second daughter. Mark started studying at Westminster Seminary California and graduated in June of 1989. During this season they added a son, Jacob, to their quiver, and the family of five attended New Life OPC in Point Loma, California. Mark served here from 1985 to 1993 during which he was an elder, pastoral intern, assistant to the pastor, and eventually, associate pastor. In 1993 they received a call to a struggling mission work in San Marcos, California. By God’s grace the mission work started to flourish and grow, eventually becoming a particularized congregation called Harvest OPC in 1995. Mark and Tammy added two more daughters, Abigail and Madelyn, to complete their family at seven while faithfully serving and loving their congregation.

Over the next 27 years (and counting) the church grew; planted a daughter church, Providence OPC in Temecula, CA; nurtured many Westminster Seminary California pastoral interns; and reached her local community through Summer VBS, Park Bible Studies, and an annual Beach Bonfire, amongst other efforts while faithfully worshipping God as they wait for His return. In addition, Mark has served on the Christian Education, Nomination, and Ministerial Oversight Committees of the Presbytery of Southern California while currently serving on its Missions Committee. Tammy has worked alongside him in ministry as well as homeschooling their five children.

The Schroeders have been blessed to assume the titles of “Papa Mark” and “Grammy” to their six grandsons and counting with another grandson or granddaughter due in November! As we look at their 42 years of marriage, we see the Lord’s faithfulness to them! Praise the Lord, and Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

Editor's note: Today's entry was written by Abby Schroeder Lennartz.

Picture: Mark and Tammy Schroeder



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